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Summer 2006 Result publised

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it is published on

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Find AMIE Subject discussion and reference books here

here is discussed AMIE Section A subject deeply..

here is u can find AMIE Reference book and suggested books from other members...



Section A and Section B old Question Papers

scanned old question papers are available here

please mail your old question papers, it will helpful for all students

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how to join AMIE

How to join AMIE

If you meet the specified eligibility , you can join AMIE now.
The admission to AMIE Course is open round the year. The admission procedure is also very simple. All those who took admission in AMIE are called Non-corporate members of the Institution of Engineers (India). Only registered members are eligible to apply for Institution examination. If you are new to AMIE we will help you in all processes throughout admission.
Based on educational qualification, there are two categories of Non-corporate membership
1. Senior Technician (ST) membership, and
2. Technician (T) membership.
If you passed 3 years' Engineering Diploma or equivalent, you may apply for Senior Technician membership, and if you have passed +2 or equivalent, then apply for Technician membership.

To Get Membership

1. In order to get membership and join for AMIE, students can use downloaded 'Membership Form'.
2. After filling up, the photograph and educational qualifications are to be verified by a 'Supporter'.
3. Anyone with AMIE/MIE/FIE grade can be a 'Supporter' 

Documents Required

Attachments needed along with the application form for membership are
1. Three passport size photographs to be affixed on the application form.
2. Attested copies of certificate to prove your age and educational qualification.
3. Demand draft of Rs 5800/- (for students in India) drawn in favour of 'The Institution of Engineers (India)', Payable at Kolkata. 


AMIE Winter 2005 Results published

AMIE winter 2005 Results were published...

check your results and send comments to